Voice Maps

The VoiceMapTM shows how our voice is positioned across six core scales. It’s designed to give further depth to our voice traits, demonstrating a tone that can be captured across most of our communications, and when we’re speaking to all of our audiences.

Our VoiceMap shows we are never shouty or frenetic. We speak calmly and consistently to people we know as colleagues – we’re never overly-familiar. We stand apart for our bold and confident attitude, and for the sophistication in our voice. On the rare occasions it’s appropriate for us to use humour, we apply it intelligently and without reference to others.

Writing principals

These basic writing principles will help you capture our voice. So be sure to follow them any time you write or check copy for MLC Life Insurance.

Focus on the audience

Talk directly to your audience in an active voice. Rather than sharing everything we can do, focus on the benefits we can bring to a specific audience.

Voice an opinion

Take a position and share it with confidence – without everbeing arrogant. Make observations from insight and expertise, but never say anything we can’t back up.

Make one message matter

Bring clarity and simplicity to your language by concentrating on a single message. Always be clear about what you want to say, and what you want the audience to do as a result.

Steer clear of cliché

Find new ways to share old news. Use the distinct needs of the audience to steer you towards fresh ideas and phrases. Alter your sentence and paragraph structure to demonstrate different perspectives.

Our key audiences

We have two main audiences, and just like a real person, we adjust the way we speak to suit the different conversations we have with each.

Who are we speaking to?

Our Core audience is made up of consumers and employers.

They look to us for leadership, advice, and intelligence. It’s up to us to communicate our knowledge in a way this audience  can relate to.

- Use short sentences and simple sentence structures.
- Avoid overly technical information orindustry jargon.
- The tone should be conversational: that of a trusted coach or mentor.

Our Partner audience is made up of our intermediaries, including advisers and accountants.

Our communications acknowledge their intelligence and professionalism. These aren’t salespeople – they’re advisers acting in the best interests of their clients.Our language should be more direct and respectful of their knowledge, while still remaining empowering and aspirational.

- Sentences should be short – but there’s more scope to expand on an idea within a single sentence.
- Technical terminology and industryterms are used more frequently.
- Our tone is of a trusted ally ratherthan a salesperson.


Always ask someone else to proof read your work for spelling and clarity – if they don’t understand the key message of your communication, chances are your intended audience won’t either.

Due diligence

- Make sure you check formatting.
- Have you used the correct font and size?
- Are your sentences evenly spaced?
- Have you worded the MLC Life Insurance logo and endorsement correctly?
- Make sure you’ve referred to the business correctly throughout your document. We’re MLC Life Insurance.
- Have you removed the track changes?

All communications to external audiences must be approved via our communications production process, governed by the Communications Governance Policy. For more information on this process and policy, please visit the Content and Communication Production intranet page or contact communicationgovernance@mlcinsurance.com.au.

Why use a communications governance process?
- Our business stakeholders can see what we’re saying to customers/partners and how we’re saying it.
- Business-wide exposure of our communications allows people across the business to understand what customer and product activity is being undertaken, and prepare for future requirements.
- So we can speak to our customers in plain, easy to understand language – and deliver communications that are technically and legally correct in a consistent way.
- To meet our regulatory obligations and protect our directors and executives.
- To have a company wide repository for all communications that we can use for verification and to develop new communications.
- To ensure we have a due diligence process that has the hallmarks of an industry leader.


We do as we say and say as we do

- Use personal language, ie ‘we’ and ‘you’.
- Use contractions (‘we’re’ instead of ‘we are’)  to give your writing natural rhythm.
- Check that your message is clear and  single-minded.
- Only present well supported opinions.
- Check your piece for clichés – then check again (they have a knack for creeping in).
- Make sure your piece is tailored to your audience and your medium.
- Cut any jargon or complex phrasing – use simple, straightforward language instead.
- Give your piece a thorough proofread, checking for spelling (especially US spellings) and typos.
- And finally, read through your piece as if you were the person receiving it. Is it engaging? Does it include new and useful information?  Is it enjoyable to read?