
Brand elements we use when crafting experiences for our customers.

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A familiar brand, but one with its own voice

In 2016, MLC Life Insurance became a specialist stand-alone life insurance company and part of the Nippon Life Insurance Group. Our partnership with Nippon Life began on 3 October 2016, when National Australia Bank Limited (NAB) sold 80% of its interest in MLC Limited (MLC Life Insurance) to the Nippon Life Insurance Company (Nippon Life). This created a dedicated life insurance business, MLC Life Insurance. As separate businesses MLC Wealth and MLC Life Insurance are led by separate leadership teams with distinct business strategies.

MLC Limited operates the MLC Life Insurance business and is not part of the Insignia Financial Group, which owns the MLC brand. MLC Limited is part of the Nippon Life Insurance Group. However, while MLC Limited is separate from MLC Wealth, we continue to use the MLC Brand under licence. This agreement is in place until 2026. Our use of the brand is governed by our Brand Licensing Agreement (BLA) and Brand Policy. For more information, please speak to the MLC Life Insurance brand team.

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Explore the MLC Life Insurance brand.

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Our complete library of marks, built for scale.


Explore our brand colours and functional shades.

Guidelines and resources

Read about the brand elements and their usage guides for MLC Life Insurance expeirences.