
Brand elements we use when crafting experiences for our customers.

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A bold future ahead

MLC Life Insurance has a proud history behind it, and a bold future ahead.

Originally the Citizens’ Life Assurance Company, founded in Sydney over 130 years ago, the brand has played an integral role in the journey that’s seen Australia become one of the world’s most prosperous countries. On a number of occasions in the intervening years, MLC Life Insurance has evolved its offering and identity in anticipation of, and response to, the ever-changing financial and cultural landscape.

While MLC Life Insurance stands apart from MLC Wealth today as its own stand-alone business, we’re proud of where we’ve come from and always look forward to where we strive to be.

Our brand showcases what we stand for as a business. It tells the story of why we exist, how work, and it’s defined by what we do. Our ambition is ‘To be Australia’s leading, most trusted life insurer’. We want to make sure Australians have access to life insurance products that are affordable, innovative, competitive, and flexible enough to change as their needs change.

We use our brand to communicate our values, purpose and personality. A strong brand builds trust and helps our community find us.

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Explore our library of components and guides on how to use them across the MLC Life Insurance ecosystem.

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Our complete library of components, built for scale.

Links to storybook and figma

Explore dynamic relationships between storybook and figma.

Guidelines and resources

Read about the components and their usage guides for MLC Life Insurance expeirences.